
Actions of Kundalini Yoga

The word kundalini  means "power." In Kundalini we use our whole body in a 75 or 90- minute meditation comprised of kriyas, pranayamas, mantras, asanas, and mudras. Let's go deeper into some of those terms:

Kundalini yoga integrates movements, yoga postures (asanas), and hand or arm positions (mudras) into sequences called kriyasKriya is an action that frees stuck or contracted energy in our bodies. Kriyas can involve long sets of a pose, mudra, or action. You are invited to listen to your body and take a rest if necessary. 

Pranayamas (breath practices) balance our brain, body, and heart. Mantras refer to powerful words that are spoken or chanted as part of the meditation. A mantra is a kind of bridge; man means "mind" and tra "tool or bridge" to move from one state to another. Chanting of mantras creates deep shifts in energy.

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini works with our whole body to balance, release, and nourish - physically and energetically. Many of the sets or kriyas are targeted specific to our body's systems, including lymphatic, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, and respiratory. Kundalini yoga works with your nervous system to create new neural pathways, which has physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits.

Over time, through loss and hardship, we can incur energy blocks. These blocks affect our thoughts, emotions, bodies, and relationships. Kundalini is a powerful mechanism to transform you, releasing this blocked energy. You may experience emotional, mental, and physical sensations. These experiences are part of the process of becoming conscious. So often we live unconsciously from patterns we learned from our families and culture, these are not inherently bad or good. The work of Kundalini is to clear our vision to recognize and live into our greatness.

Use of Sound in Kundalini 

In class often the instructor will bring an instrument called a Harmonium. This is an organ type instrument which supports chanting and singing of mantras. Crystal bowls and chimes may be played during savasana (resting posture) followed by the gong. 

The gong is a powerful instrument for healing used in Kundalini yoga. The gong is the oldest healing instrument which helps to move, shift, and dissolve habits that no longer serve our highest self.

*This practice is for all practitioners. Modifications can be offered, and chairs can be provided for accessibility.

3665 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97005