Kundalini Series

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Thursday 10/31/2024 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Thursday 11/07/2024 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Thursday 11/14/2024 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Thursday 11/21/2024 9:30 am - 11:00 am

$25.00 Kundalini Series - Single Session
$100.00 Kundalini Series - 5 Pack

Kundalini Yoga for Autumn…

AUTUMN ?? Within our solar year there are 4 focal points that have been honored throughout the ages as important moments marking the cyclical passage of time.

EARTH ?? Earth-based wisdom traditions recognize the Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox, and Winter Solstice as signposts along our spiritual journey.

Each of us as an individual mirrors the cyclical patterns of nature’s seasons. We all experience growth, expansion, releasing, and letting go—and once again becoming.

Being aware of and celebrating the Solstices and Equinoxes are beautiful ways to become more aligned and attuned to our personal cyclical patterns of rebirth, life, and death.

The expansive fiery energy of Summer is now going to recede and make more room as each day passes for the cold and the dark to emerge.

The energy is changing from outward bound to more inward, preparing us to go into the stillness of the ‘in between’ space of the darkest winter months. 

Receiving & Letting Go:

Nature invites us to let go, just like the trees that release their leaves, to make room within ourselves to enter the no-thingness of Winter to rest, regenerate and heal. This is beautifully reflected within Chinese Medicine that relates the fall season to the organs of the Lungs and Large Intestines, receiving and letting go. Letting go is essential to receive again, we need to surrender to this process and the fall season is a wonderful time to do this consciously. We can reflect back on who we have become over the past year and release what is deep underneath the surface to clear the darkness within, preparing our own winter retreat where we can cocoon and be reborn again in spring.

Turn Within: Kundalini Yoga Sequence...

I have created a Kundalini Yoga sequence with special extended gong meditation for you, for the next 5 weeks together. All the elements of this sequence are intentionally chosen to work with the energy of this moment of the year. Our core practice is Surya Namaskar. 

We will tune into the balance between the dark and light polarities by working with:

Session 1: Fist of Anger Kriya 

This class  is designed to help you release your emotions. So if you feel stuck, irritated, frustrated, or anxious—or if you just want to move and shake your (emotional) body. This is for you, join us.

Session 2: Prana and Apana Vayus 

This kriya will work in such a magic way with you. If you hold a tension in your ribcage, around your heart, shoulder, and neck area, you may experience occasional constipation, bloating, changes in your cycle, or a long list of other experiences—this class is for you!

Session 3: Balancing Vata 

You may note the cold, wind, and dry weather cause you to become more spacey, scattered, and anxious than usual? Join us and gently redirect the mind to the body and breath. 

Session 4: Twist, Turn, and Revolve Within 

This class is to talk with your inner fire, work with Manipura Chakra, find your straight, your vigor, and your inspiration. Allow for new perspectives, detox old habits open for a self renewal. Twisting, turning, and revolving hatha and kundalini yoga. 

Session 5: Making Space for Grief

The lungs are said to hold the emotion of grief, and if you feel like you’ve been holding your emotions in recently, allow yourself to let them go through a good cry. This will be 11-minute breathwork meditation for anyone who is experiencing grief, feels their heart has been broken, or feels empty and sad within. It is a safe and effective meditation for just about everyone. 

Asana, breathwork, mantra, and resonant gong vibration will strengthen your Lungs and Large Intestine, the organs and meridians that relate to FALL to keep your immunity up and to support you in the process of letting go.

We’ll end each session with an extended gong meditation to clear the subconscious … helping you to surrender to your Higher Self, letting go of the resistance to change.

PURPOSE: To Gracefully Flow Along with the Seasons of Nature Towards the Unfolding of Our True Self.

Looking forward to sharing this energy medicine with you. 

Sat Nam, 

Isa Falcon 

Isabel Falcon

Hi my name is Isabel or Isa,

First and foremost I am a human, sister, and woman trying to live my best highest life. I have spent innumerable nights in darkness in shamanic sacred ceremonies, seeking spirit and life meaning. I am constantly working on how to best help myself and inspire others, aligning my thoughts with my actions. My nature is to share, I love to serve, lead, build community, and bring people together.

I share my medicine, gifts, and life lessons through teaching yoga, group sound journeys, workshops, meditation, private healing sessions, somatic therapy, cranial sacral, and Thai yoga massage.

I am a big believer in the power of community. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to be part of the Bonfire Studio, a space where I reach and touch many hearts with hatha and kundalini yoga and I teach it with confidence and testament to its power and ability to help one along the path of life. 

Life is short. The meaning ever evolving. The focus ever shifting. The one thing we can lean into is the consistency of change. I am an evolving human and so are you. It is a privilege and honor to take the journey together. Thank you!

*Learn more about Isabel by visiting her website: https://www.falconmedicina.com

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