Kundalini Yoga Series

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$25.00 Kundalini Series - Single Session

Kundalini Series to Rejuvenate, Harmonize, and Renew

With Angee Franzen

  Kundalini as a practice awakens, supports, and elevates energy. Kundalini Yoga harmonizes aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. To integrate and stabilize the energy known as kundalini, is to live with purpose, ease, and presence. The activated state of kundalini is called Shakti. In this series we will introduce Yoga Nidra at the end of each practice.

  Through Kundalini Yoga we ignite and amplify the power that exists to be awakened. With Yoga Nidra, we achieve deep integration through point-by-point attention to the physical and subtle body anatomy.

  Yoga Nidra is a state that draws all of the disparate aspects of ourselves into a consolidated coherent state. The process of Yoga Nidra often results in relaxation, stress reduction, and a sense of peace. This state allows for a deep embodiment. When absorption is complete, coherence occurs between the heart, mind, and body. Yoga Nidra is done in shavasana, on the back, belly, or side.

  At the conclusion of each Kundalini class we practice Yoga Nidra followed by a Gong bath, a sonic recalibration.

Class 1:

Ignite, Awaken, and Harmonize:

Together we will practice several breath techniques (pranayama) to balance the hemispheres of the brain and clear the pranic pathways known as the nadis. The nadis are tubular pathways to connect and unite the Ida moon (feminine, mental pathway) starting on the left side of the spine and affecting the right side of our brain. The pingala (solar, masculine, energetic pathway) starts on the right side of the spine, affecting the left side of the brain. When these two begin to balance and rhythmically oscillate, they become one and we have access to the cosmic channel, the sushumna, where kundalini in the form of Shakti shoots up this pathway, providing energy through Kriya to awaken the root and sacral centers of intelligence. We will conclude with Yoga Nidra and the Gong.

Class 2:

Flow, Stabilize, and Restore:

In this class we will activate our personal rhythm through a Kriya that utilizes dance and rhythmic movement. Centering our power at the hub of energetic connectivity, the navel center, we will practice breath, mantra, and meditation, awakening our creative current and enlivening the soulful expression of who we are. Let’s go beyond the limitations of the unconscious habits that often obstruct our vision, action, and intuition. We’ll bring it all together with Yoga Nidra.


Class 3:

Expand, Ground, and Integrate:

As we continue to open and unfold, we move to our heart center where we expand and integrate the lower centers with the higher centers of intelligence. Our hearts are a vast reservoir of knowledge, compassion, and resilience. The yogi’s call the heart the “the seat of the soul.” We will explore the rasa, the taste of the essence of the heart, practicing Kriya, mantra, and meditation. Consolidating the practice with Yoga Nidra.

Class 4:

Listen, Visualize, and Discern:,

The pathway through the throat and brow point (or 3rd eye) when opened can allow us to listen to insight, discerning our intuition and vision. To inhabit our power through these intelligent centers gives us the ability to see the unseen, to read between the lines; to trust ourselves and attune to the self within the self, releasing confusion, indecision, and giving voice to our truth. Often in the world we trade our power to please others, or avoid taking responsibility because the fear of failure or success is debilitating, or we sacrifice growth for comfort so we can stay hidden, instead of revealing what we want or who we are. We will practice Kriya, mantra, and pranayama to restore our voice and see clearly the path ahead while honoring the paths we have taken to arrive here.

Class 5:

Consolidate, Calibrate, and Celebrate:

We will conclude our series with a lovely meditation to open our crown, the 10th gate, connecting to the cosmic channel as we open the crown chakra: Sahaswara. We awaken to our divine nature, and the nectar flows down into our bodies as kundalini in the forms of Shiva (pure consciousness) and Shakti (cosmic power) descends through us. There is a kind of intimacy, which I call personal companionship. This is a coherent state that ignites, stabilizes, and reveals itself through us. We honor the grief, loss, and abandonments. We acknowledge our joy, happiness, and peace. And we find an integrated, whole, soulful self that has always been there. Through these practices we discover, recover, and embody the power of presence. Harmony is the state of awakening kundalini.

Angee Franzen

Angee Franzen began teaching power vinyasa in 2012, completing her first 200hr Yoga Teacher Training with Core Power in NW Portland. Angee continued to study the philosophy, science of movement and the social implications of living an Intentional life at The Bhakti Movement center. In 2015 Angee discovered Radiant Body Yoga with Kia Miller. Radiant Body Yoga holds the principles of Ashtanga Yoga with the wisdom of Kundalini Yoga. After studying in India in 2016 and 2017 with Kia Miller Angee received her 300hr teaching certification. In 2017 Angee completed a Trauma Informed training with Living Yoga. She volunteers at MacLaren youth correctional facility monthly. In 2019 Angee completed her Kundalini Level 1 teacher training in Bali. In July of 2024, Angee earned her E-500 RYT designation, a longtime goal. Angee loves to teach Yin Yoga, Meditation as well as Restorative Somatic Yoga. Angee has been living sober for 20 years and raising 3 sons with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

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