Daniel Meza

I was looking for something that could make me healthy, both in body and mind. In 2018, I joined a rock climbing gym which also offered Yoga classes. At first, it didn’t seem like something that would really stick, but as time progressed, I began to feel lighter, more balanced, and just plain happier! I fell in love with the idea of yoga and in Fall of 2019, I made the decision to get my 200-hours of training to be an instructor. I loved what it did for me and all I wanted in return was to be able to introduce it to anyone with even a little bit of curiosity. A small bit of yoga in a person’s life is better than no yoga at all.

Danny is a recent transplant from Sacramento, California. He has a background in Hatha and Yin yoga but enjoys blending in other styles into his practice as he feels there is beauty, value and mindfulness in all the varying styles of yoga.   In his spare time, you’ll find him taking classes around the Portland area for research and climbing at your local rock wall gyms.